Sunday, July 15, 2007

Operators are standing by...

Okay, not really. Or not that I know of anyway. Maybe PayPal does have operators, as far as I am concerned that's not the point.

Since I sent out a call for help on my book I have had some good responses. I want to thank the friends of mine who have donated so far. I am one third of the way towards my goal of $1500 for the publication of my book, The Angry Filmmaker's Survival Guide: Making the Extremely Low Budget Movie. But I still need to raise more.

Most of you know how I feel about Real Independent Filmmaking. And that is what this book is all about.

The Angry Filmmaker's Survival Guide seeks to restore order to this once venerable filmmaking arena by providing young, new and even old-hand, jaded and bitter filmmakers with a practical guide to independent filmmaking. In that I qualify as an "expert" by any acceptable or measurable standard, my book offers not only practical, step-by-step, easily accessible information about the craft, but it also offers plenty of attitude about the state of the world of independent film.

You can go to my web page ( follow the book link, and make a donation there thru PayPal.

If you want something for your money, you can go to my web site and purchase a DVD, or a T- shirt. Between now and August 15th, I will put everything I make off the web site towards the book.

Or we can do this like PBS. Anyone who donates $50 will get a signed copy of one of my movies (your choice), $75 gets you a T-shirt and a signed DVD, and $100 will get a signed copy of the book when it is available. (I wonder if Ken Burns does it this way.)

I am going to add a page to the book with the names of all those responsible for helping me make my book possible. In Kicking Bird I had a special credit for all of the people who put up $100 or more. I called my supporters, 49 People Who Should Really Know Better. If you donate $50 or more, I'll come up with a better credit.

So please donate what you can so I can stop badgering you all about this.




Blogger Peregrine Slinger said...

I'm really interested.

8:40 PM  

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