Thursday, April 03, 2008

Workshops/AF Tip of the Day

I spent all day yesterday shooting 2 of my work shops, and I gotta tell you it is a bitch to do them without an audience! I never realized how much I rely on questions and interaction from people while I am teaching. My buddy Gary did a great job lighting and shooting, now if I can just cut around the talent we'll be okay. It's always a shock seeing yourself on film or tape and realizing that you're not 25 anymore. Or 35. Or … I think I'll stop right now.

I hope to have them edited and available for purchase by the end of the month.

And now, your AF Tip of the Day.

Everything is scripted! You have to plan and organize. I want (my short films) to feel off the cuff, but you need to know as a filmmaker what the hell is going to happen.
- - from The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide (coming in Spring 2008)


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